Get started now!

This course is a guide to starting when you don't know how to begin; a peek into the framework I use to build my life and projects. And a reminder that you already have everything you need.

We’ll use various mediums, media, and practices including (but not limited to) tarot, enneagram, poetry, your nervous system, sensuality, and embodiment, case studies, and more.

Week 1: Where are you?
wake up / notice / observe / pay attention

We are taking this week to orient ourselves in space and contextualize exactly where we are and who we are. This week is about waking up to what you already have and seeing it with new eyes.

Week 2: What do you have?
inventory / gratitude / archive / directory

This week is all about taking stock of what you already have at your disposal from a grounded, realistic perspective.

Week 3: What do you need?
identify / acknowledge / ask / receive / stop suffering

This week is about facing the hard stuff, mapping out where you need help, naming what feels impossible, and asking yourself how you can build in ease.

Week 4: What do you want?
desire / pleasure / curiosity / whimsey / delight / abundance

This week is about dreaming, world building, and play. Anything is possible (leave your inner critic at home!)

Week 5: How do these fit together?
cross reference / trickster energy / stubborn gladness

And finally, we will cross reference all the data you’ve gathered for the past four weeks and see what can be made of all the pieces of your life. Where your needs and desires can nourish each other. What you have to give, and where you need support.

We will meet LIVE throughout the month of January, 2024
Tuesday's from 6-8pm central
Classes will be recorded and uploaded within 24hrs

This is not a course to take one time, this is a guide to return to over and over again. You can apply it to teeny tiny bite sized practices, or it can support bigger projects like starting a business or completely re-ordering your life. I don't have a magic potion and I hope you finish this course asking more questions than when you begin. The magic is you, I'm just offering up the trellis I use, for you to modify and use, to grow along at your own rate.

This is the system I use in my Brain Orgies, It's the way I build my personal practice around joy, how I started The 4A Project and Saturday Morning Carton, and the way I evaluate my life and start again and again – and I'm finally writing it all down. It's scrappy, realistic, and dreamy. We will toggle between sustaining yourself on what you already have, while absolutely positively romanticizing your life, letting anything be possible, and making it all ritual.

I will be answering all the questions for myself; I promise to be honest, and not polish up the rough bits. I'll share my responses through video and audio recordings, drawings, and photos. I'll also offer up worksheets, and other downloadable resources for you to reference and integrate into your life.

Get started now!

This course is me creating the thing I need. With what I have. It's literally an illustration of what I'm going to be teaching you to do. ✨ So meta. ✨

I need a container, framework, and reference to hold me - I need a reminder that I'm a badbitch and can do this. I need to pause, return to gratitude, take stock of everything I have, cross reference it with what I need, and build a symbiotic relationship between the two. And I'm just cocky enough to believe that this lens of abundance/joy/creativity will bubble over and spill out into my community and make the world a little bit softer.

Join me it you too are in a similar place.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course goes live January 2, 2024. You will have lifetime access. Lifetime being that there is no end in sight, but also this is hosted on the web, and teachable isn't forever, so like, lifetime within the context of nothing is forever, ya know?
What if I am unhappy with the course?
I'd love to hear feedback from students, and will do my best to accommodate needs, however there isn't a refund policy in place. If you follow me online, you know what I'm about. I'm silly, irreverent, I curse like a sailor and I have big feelings. I'm soft and emotional, and I make messy drawings. I'm gathering everything I know about using what you have to make what you need. If you're into that sign up! If you're unsure, shoot me a message and we can talk. But like, listen to your gut. I'm not for everyone and that's okay. 🙃
Is the course self paced?
Yes! This is something I want you to be able to work through on your own time, and return to over and over. This isn't a one and done kind of thing, it's a framework, guide, mindset, and way of being. You can return here with each new idea or need you have. I plan to set aside a month, twice a year where I will be present and engaged in the comments and offer virtual gatherings. So there will be spaces and times where you could work through this with a guide/teacher in real time with fellow classmates. We will meet LIVE in January 2024 every Tuesday from 6:30-8:30 central. Classes will be recorded and uploaded for you to watch on your own time. My current plan is August 2023 and January 2024 this is subject to change tho. I don't promise live interaction, but it is my intent (under promise, over deliver is my motto here).

I started this little sales page with the statement that you already have everything you need. And I really believe that. It's perhaps a terrible marketing plan, but you don't need to spend a penny to build your creative practice, shift your life, or dream up endless possibilities.

But if you want a partner in this adventure, if my strange rambling and irreverent ways call to you, if this feels nourishing and exciting, then join! But there is no rush. When and if the time is right for us to work together it'll happen. <3

Your Instructor

Caitlin Metz
Caitlin Metz

Artist / Designer / Educator / Author / Creative Coach

Hi, hello! Welcome to yet another pocket of the internet that I am using as a portal into my brain, and container for my emotions. Here I'm organizing my thoughts and feels into the format of online classes. You can also find me on Patreon and Instagram sharing similar things in various formats, or peep one of my two books, My Body, My Home and Feel Something Make Something.

I'm an illustrator and designer, cloud watching feeler, new poetry convert, wayward design professor, and a queer gentle parent. I'm irreverent, silly, and deeply romantic about what art-making and feeling your feels can do for you and the world.